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University sponsoring community-focused lecture series

The University’s Office for Residential Life and Housing Services is sponsoring a new lecture and community conversation series that features four events over the coming months. The free series will be held at Brue Coffee, 960 Genesee Street. It begins Monday, October 24 with Mitch Gruber, chief program officer at Foodlink, discussing “Health, Hunger, and Food Banks.” Food banks were once solely anti-hunger organizations but now operate as public health agencies with a diversity of food-based projects and programs. Gruber is a PhD candidate in history at the University. His work explores the history and importance of Rochester’s Public Market. The series continues December 5 with “The Future of Rochester Transportation.” That discussion will be led by Mike Governale, president of Re-Connect Rochester, and City of Rochester transportation specialist Erik Frisch. On February 6, University religion and classics assistant professor Joshua Dubler will speak on “Scholarly Responses to Mass Incarceration.” And on April 3, Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren will discuss her “Believe in Rochester” initiative. “This series is crucial for University of Rochester students,” says Matt Trombley ’16, vice president of the Community Service Network. “It allows them to grow intellectually and personally by engaging and interacting with the Rochester community in a conversation about relevant topics in today’s society.” All programs begin at 7:30 p.m. and are free and open to the public.