The survey results will be used to guide policies that encourage a healthy, safe, and nondiscriminatory environment at Rochester.
This March, the University of Rochester will ask all students to participate in a Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct. In accordance with New York State’s Enough Is Enough law, the climate survey is regularly administered to understand students’ experiences with sexual violence, harassment, relationship violence, and other sexual misconduct, in order to align resources and prevention efforts with the areas of greatest need.
In mid-March, University leadership will email a survey link and additional information to all students. Although it is completely voluntary, all Rochester students are encouraged to participate in the survey, which will assess the prevalence and nature of students’ experiences with sexual and relationship violence, harassment, and other sexual misconduct, as well as students’ knowledge and opinions of the University resources available to them. This survey was originally developed for the Association of American Universities (AAU). Westat, a social science research firm, is again administering the survey and individual responses will be confidential. The de-identified results will be published on the University’s website as required by New York State law, and will be used to guide policies to encourage a healthy, safe, and nondiscriminatory environment at the University.
As the survey completion deadline approaches, University leaders will actively encourage students’ participation to help ensure the broadest and most accurate picture of their experiences.
Anyone in need of support or information regarding reporting sexual assault should visit the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX website.