University of Rochester

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Parents Buzz: Frequently Asked Questions

Parents Buzz is a monthly newsletter produced by University Communications, Parent and Family Relations, and the Parents Program.

How do I subscribe?

You can subscribe to the newsletter through the website that manages the newsletter’s distribution. You can also request a subscription by email.

How do I unsubscribe?

You can leave the list at any time by following the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email message. Or you ask to be removed from the distribution list by by email.

Do I have to be a parent to subscribe?

While Parents Buzz is geared toward parents and family members of undergraduates at the University, anyone is welcome to subscribe.

Can I see past issues of the newsletter?

Past issues are posted on the Parents Buzz website. The newsletter started in January 2009.

Where can I send story ideas?

We welcome suggestions and feedback at Parents Buzz.