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A message to parents: Conferring degrees to 2020 graduates

Earlier today, I sent a message to all students describing the University’s plan for conferring degrees to the Class of 2020.

Since first announcing we would not be able to gather for our traditional Commencement and diploma ceremonies, I have heard from many disappointed students and parents from across the University. Understandably, the majority of graduates still want to celebrate their academic accomplishments in the way they’ve always imagined, with an in-person ceremony.

Our Rochester graduates deserve a Commencement ceremony surrounded by friends, classmates, and family, with the involvement of faculty, complete with the regalia, speeches, and other traditions we’ve all come to expect. I assure you we will hold an authentic University of Rochester commencement as soon as it is feasible to do so. While none of us can say right now when that might be, we are looking at several possible scenarios and hope that when the time comes, the Class of 2020 will be able to join us.

In the meantime, we will award degrees to all graduating students as scheduled and diplomas will be issued through the mail. The online degree conferral for all undergraduate and graduate students, including doctoral candidates, will take place on our main University website,, on May 15. The site will be available after 12 p.m. ET that day. Each school is also making plans to celebrate their graduating students online. More specific details will be provided soon.

While we recognize no online activity or website could possibly replicate the majesty of Commencement, we will try to maintain some traditions, such as brief remarks from academic leaders and a listing of graduate names and honorees. I suspect many of our graduates will find their own innovative ways to mark this moment.

During my short time at Rochester I have met so many truly exceptional, accomplished young people. I know the Class of 2020 is well-prepared for the next chapter of their lives and I am confident they will go out in the world and continue to make life ever better.

Warm regards,

Sarah C. Mangelsdorf
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor