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East High Partnership: Statement from President Sarah Mangelsdorf

Today, the New York State Education Department approved an extension of the partnership between the University of Rochester and East High School through 2025. I want to thank Commissioner Betty Rosa, the Education Department, and the Board of Regents for their continued belief in the East EPO, as well as thank the Rochester City School District, Board of Education, and local community partners for their unwavering support. Most importantly, I want to recognize East High’s community of scholars, teachers, staff, and parents who every day drive the success of this model.

Under the direction of Superintendent Shaun Nelms and with tremendous involvement and support from our Warner School of Education, East has improved its graduation rate to 85 percent in 2021, compared to the starting point of only 33 percent in 2015. I’m not certain everyone involved in the creation of the EPO six years ago truly believed that such educational success and turnaround would be possible given the circumstances, but the point we’re at today is a testament to the power of community, partnership and determination to create meaningful and sustained change in an urban educational environment.

The University is very proud to be a part of this EPO and the Rochester community, and we look forward to continuing to work with all of our partners to demonstrate even more progress in this mission.


Sarah C. Mangelsdorf
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor