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Statement from President Mangelsdorf on Events of January 6, 2021

To the University of Rochester Community:

Yesterday’s illegal assault on Congress filled me with shock, anger, and sorrow. I went to sleep last night despairing for our country – and for all of us. Today, with our presidential election certified, I am allowing myself to hope that we can refocus our attentions on the issues confronting our nation and community today: the COVID-19 pandemic, economic inequality, and systemic racism.

Our university and our community have roles to play in addressing all of these issues, and the events of the last 24 hours make our contributions all the more urgent. The role of our university – of all universities – is to discover and advance knowledge for the betterment of society. We must embrace that role, and take it as a mandate. We must all strive together to continue to build the “more perfect Union” enshrined in the Preamble of our Constitution. This is the ideal of Meliora. Our motto, “Ever Better,” can stand as a guiding principle for continued progress – and for our actions as students, educators, caregivers, and citizens.

With hope and resolve,

Sarah C. Mangelsdorf
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor