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University of Rochester, Global Celebration Committee.

Global Celebration Committee

The Global Celebration Committee is seeking input from the University community as it begins its work. With a diverse membership drawn from across the University, the Committee has been created and charged by President Mangelsdorf to develop proposals for innovative ways to recognize and celebrate the University’s global diversity, impact, and aspirations. We would like to begin by gathering creative ideas and proposals for how best to do this, as well as more general feedback about what various stakeholders would find most meaningful and valuable, to help shape our thinking about proposals to bring forward.

Our goal is to come up with something that celebrates the University of Rochester’s global nature and values as a whole university, in a way that ideally unifies our various campuses. Learning from the past, we will not focus on national political identities but on our people and their diverse backgrounds and activities around the globe. We encourage the broadest creative thinking to conceptualize how the University can best express our identity and values as a globally engaged university going forward.

The feedback window closed November 18. Now that input has been collected, the Committee will review and discuss ideas, selecting some for further discussion and development, with the aim of presenting President Mangelsdorf with a short list of proposals to consider. The plan is to begin gathering individual feedback immediately and then to conduct outreach activities early in the fall to stimulate conversation and gather further input from students, trainees, postdocs, faculty, staff and alumni. We will finalize proposals by the end of the fall semester and expect to have a decision from President Mangelsdorf early in the spring semester. This is a very exciting opportunity for the University and we look forward to hearing your ideas. If you have any questions about this survey or the work of the Committee, please feel free to contact the Committee Co-Chairs: Dr. Nile Blunt and Dr. William FitzPatrick.