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Response to ICE policy: A message from President Mangelsdorf and Provost Clark

To the University of Rochester Community,

Monday’s policy announcement by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was unexpected, unwarranted, and cruel to the international students at our University and at other universities across the nation. When the policy was announced, the University immediately issued a public statement regarding this troubling and misguided effort, which may put the health and safety – and the futures – of some of our students in jeopardy. We understand the fear, fury, and anxiety this guidance has caused: we share it, and we will work together to overcome it.

This is obviously a confusing and distressing situation, and we are aggressively pursuing governmental, legal, and educational avenues to challenge these new restrictions. The University is joining with NYU to develop an amicus brief in support of the federal lawsuit that Harvard and MIT have brought against ICE. We have expressed our deepest concerns to our Congressional representatives in both the House and Senate and urged them to support efforts to rescind ICE’s guidance. And we are fully engaged with the advocacy and legal efforts of our national associations, like the Association of American Universities. Meanwhile, our International Services Office is working to clarify the DHS guidance, and the ISO team is offering up-to-the-minute information and support for our affected students and their parents, as well as those who may have questions or concerns about this issue.

We want to state unequivocally that our international students, who contribute so much to the scholarly, social, and cultural environments at the University of Rochester, are essential to our enterprise and they are core members of our past, present, and future. And we want to state unequivocally and directly to our international students: you are welcome here.


Sarah C. Mangelsdorf, President

Robert L. Clark, Provost