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Message Regarding Provost and SVP Rob Clark

Dear University Faculty and Staff:

Provost and Senior Vice President for Research Rob Clark has let me know that he intends to step down from his position at the end of the academic year, June 30, 2021. He will return to the faculty after a year-long academic leave.

Rob can count many achievements in his thirteen years as a senior administrator at the University of Rochester. As dean of the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, he increased the Hajim faculty size by 50%, more than doubled enrollments, and completed a successful capital campaign – a campaign that led to the naming of the school for former board chair Edmund A. Hajim ’58. As provost and SVP for research, he completed four dean searches as well as the search for the director of LLE. He championed many initiatives, including faculty participation on board committees and the development of a University-wide approach to data and institutional research.

Most recently, Rob has played an important role in the University’s efforts to navigate the COVID pandemic. Along with many dedicated faculty and staff across the institution, Rob helped the University meet this challenge while never losing sight of the importance of our academic mission.

On a personal note, Rob has been a dependable advisor in my first years as president, providing continuity and institutional knowledge. I plan to launch a national search for his replacement, but I am pleased to know that he has offered to continue to be a resource to me.

There will be time in the coming months when we can celebrate – hopefully in person! – Rob’s contributions to the University of Rochester. For now, I offer my thanks, on behalf of the University, for his work in helping to make our institution “ever better,” and wish him the best in the future.


Sarah C. Mangelsdorf
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor