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inaugural staff council meeting

Staff Council committees

The Genesee Staff Council has created and populated standing committees to facilitate the operations of the Council. Members of the Council also have participated in various committees and project groups to act as a voice for staff in University decision-making.

Staff Council committees

External committees

Outside of the Staff Council committees, GSC members are active in a variety of University-wide committees and initiatives. While not an exhaustive list, their service over the last 18 months includes: 

Senior Leadership Searches 

  • Deans of Arts & Sciences and Eastman School of Music
  • Associate Vice President of Public Safety / Chief Public Safety Officer
  • Vice President for Equity and Inclusion / Chief Diversity Officer
  • Vice President for Marketing and Communications  

Policy and Process Improvement Input 

  • Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment
  • Demonstrations, vigils and peaceful protest policy  
  • Decanal review survey
  • University Strategic Plan
  • Career Path Modernization (CPM) 


  • Parking Advisory Stakeholders group
  • Ethical Investment advisory committee
  • University accreditation self-study working group
  • Faculty Senate benefits committee  
  • Diversity Awards committee