The Center for Professional Development and Education Reform partners with researchers and educators across institutions to design, implement, research, and evaluate educational programs.
Project material is based upon work supported by the funding agency noted. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agency.
Using Video Time-Stamped Comments to Support Teachers in Virtual Coaching Cycles, Cynthia Carson, Stephanie Martin (May 2021) AMTE Tech Blog.
Teacher leaders’ roles, preparation, and impact in a district-wide digital conversion, David Miller, Raffaella Borasi, Zenon Borys, Cindy Callard, Cynthia Carson, and Michael Occhino (forthcoming) Book chapter in N. Bonds (Ed.), The power of teacher leaders: Their roles, influence and impact, Routledge.
A three-part synchronous online model for middle grades mathematics teachers’ professional development, Jeffrey Choppin, Julie Amador, Cindy Callard, Cynthia Carson, Ryan Gillespie, Jennifer Kruger, Stephanie Martin, Genie Foster (March 2021) Book Chapter In K. Hollebrands, R. Anderson, & K. Oliver (Eds.), Online Learning in Mathematics Education, Springer.
Effective Feedback for Introductory CS Theory: A JFLAP Extension and Student Persistence, Kimberly Fluet, Ivona Bezáková, Edith Hemaspaandra, Hannah Miller, David E. Narváez, (December 2020) Technical Report, Cornell Univ: arXiv.org > cs > arXiv:2012.01546
ISA’s August Newsletter 2020: “Meet Instructional Coach Kimberly Fluet”, Kimberly Fluet, Abner Oakes (August 2020) Blog Post for Institute for Student Achievement.
Synchronous online model for mathematics teachers’ professional development, Jeffrey Choppin, Julie M. Amador, Cindy Callard, Cynthia Carson, & Ryan Gillespie (2020) Chapter In Handbook of Research on Online Pedagogical Models for Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 176-202). IGI Global.
How tech can build team, Cindy Callard, Genie Foster, Jennifer Kruger (August 2020) The Learning Professional, 41(4).
Machine Learning: A New Lens for Integrating Computational Thinking and Science in the High School Classroom, Michael Daley, Z. Bai, Raffaella Borasi, David Miller (2020) In Short, P. (Eds.), Cultivating a Scientific Mindset in the Age of Inference. Information Age Publishing.