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This policy applies to: All staff. (Individuals represented by collective bargaining agreements receive benefits in accordance with those agreements.)

I. Policy

A staff member’s termination of employment with the University is either 1) voluntary (when a staff member resigns) or 2) involuntary (when under appropriate circumstances, a staff member is discharged). Supervisory actions leading to termination (voluntary or involuntary) must be fairly and consistently administered. In general, staff who are involuntarily terminated for cause are not eligible for re-employment or for transfer to another position within the University. (See Guideline II C)

II. Guidelines

A. Voluntary Termination

Staff members who voluntarily terminate their employment are expected to provide notice to supervisors. At least two weeks is required for staff in nonexempt job classifications that are hourly paid, and at least one month’s notice is required for staff in Professional, Administrative and Supervisory (PAS) job classifications (salary-paid and hourly-paid).

  1. A staff member who does not return to work following expiration of an unpaid leave of absence (LOA) will be terminated and the termination will be considered voluntary.
  2. For purposes of this policy, retirement is considered a voluntary termination.
  3. Staff members on layoff or who are expecting to be laid off will be considered as voluntarily terminating if they fail to accept an appropriate job offer or to cooperate with the Office of Human Resources in efforts to secure a position.
  4. Vacation cannot be used to extend termination/resignation date. The employee’s last day worked is the date of termination.

B. Involuntary Termination (Discharge)

Discharge may result when attempts to correct a staff member’s misconduct have not been successful, or when misconduct is so serious that immediate termination is warranted. (See Policy #154, Corrective Discipline).

  1. Termination may also be necessary when a staff member’s work performance is unsatisfactory despite training and counseling. If, under the circumstances, the staff member does not obtain a transfer to a position for which he or she would better qualify, termination will result. Notice of at least one pay period will be given to the employee, or pay in lieu of notice.
  2. When termination due to misconduct or unsatisfactory performance is being considered, the Office of Human Resources must be consulted.
  3. A staff member who is ineligible for Long-Term Disability (LTD) Plan benefits and who fails to return to work when sick leave entitlements expire will be terminated.
  4. A staff member on indefinite layoff who is not recalled will be terminated one year after the effective date of the layoff or if the staff member becomes regularly employed elsewhere.
  5. When a layoff situation exists in a department, any Probationary (New Hire), Temporary and Time-As-Reported (TAR) staff within the affected classification will be terminated rather than laid off.

C. Ineligibility for Reemployment

A terminating staff member may be ineligible for reemployment within the University. Involuntary termination for misconduct would be a valid reason for such a determination.

III. Procedures

A. Departments must initiate termination procedures as soon as the termination date is known by completing the Staff Appointment Change Form immediately upon notification of termination. To meet appropriate reporting requirements the reason for termination must be noted. A copy of the resignation letter provided by the employee or a copy of the discharge letter should be attached to the PAF.

B. Upon receipt of the Staff Appointment Change Form, Benefits Administration will issue a termination letter to the staff member outlining benefits changes (if eligible).

C. Supervisors and department heads are responsible for ensuring the return of any items which belong to the University, e.g., keys, charge cards, ID cards, tools, uniforms or other equipment and for ensuring that the staff member has notified University departments where the individual may have outstanding financial obligations. The department head is administratively responsible for ensuring the resolution of debts and obligations acquired through the department, e.g., travel accounts, rental fees, etc. It is also important to secure computer codes/ID’s and other confidential material.

D. Departments should develop a termination checklist for planning and monitoring check out procedures.

See also: