University of Rochester

1000 Cranes for Japan

  • people at lightdesk
    Day of One Thousand Cranes at Eastman School of Music.
  • man at computer
    The event was held on the Cominsky Promenade in the School's main building.
  • microscope hovering over daguerreotype
    Students, staff and the Rochester community were invited to participate.
  • kids with players
    The event was a chance to do something fun, creative and helpful, too.
  • kids with players
    Some folks did double duty, folding and checking other participants in to the event.
  • football players
    Instructional sheets were on hand for those unschooled in the origami techniques.
  • kids with players
    Calligraphy lessons were also offered.
  • kids with players
    Alexa Tarantino '14E tries her hand at calligraphy.
  • kids with players
    Donations were being sent to the Japanese Red Cross Society for distribution in Japan.
  • kids with players
    With practice, some participants were able to make their cranes in under five minutes.
  • kids with players
    Cranes were to be hung at Eastman School.


Students at the Eastman School of Music folded just over one thousand origami cranes, following a Japanese tradition for luck. The day-long event collected more than $1000 for the Japanese Red Cross Society to help those struck by the March earthquake and tsunami.

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