Celebration of the Book
Tuesday, May 7
3:30–5:30 p.m.
Rush Rhees Library
Hawkins-Carlson Room
This University-wide event honors faculty and staff who have authored any book, or its equivalent,
during the period May 1, 2012, until April 30, 2013. Authors will be on hand to sign copies of their works and discuss their inspiration. Copies of many of the works will also be available for purchase.
Please join Provost Peter Lennie
in honoring our University’s
authors at the sixth annual
Celebration of the “Book.”
- Abrahamic Religions: On the Uses and Abuses of History
by Aaron Hughes
- Alarm Will Sound: Derek Bermel: Canzonas Americanas
by Nigel Maister
- American Anthem: The Music of Samuel Barber and Howard Hanson
by Ying Quartet
- Anxious Wealth: Money and Morality Among China's New Rich
by John Osburg
- Applied Categorical and Count Data Analysts
by Hua He, Wan Tang, and Xin Tu
- Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook
by Marcia Scherer
- Beyond the Asterisk: Understanding Native Students in Higher Education
by Stephanie Waterman
- Bicentennial Tribute, works by Chopin and Schumann
by Rebecca Penneys
- The Challenge of Congressional Representation
by Richard Fenno
- Novel Insights on Chronic Kidney Disease, Acute Kidney Injury and Polycystic Kidney Disease
by Soundarapandian Vijayakumar
- The Clinical Toxicology Laboratory: Contemporary Practice of Poisoning Evaluation
by Tai Kwong
- The Complete Soccer Coaching Guide
by Chris Apple
- Courts Under Constraint: Judges, Generals, and Presidents in Argentina
by Gretchen Helmke
- The Deerslayer, by James Fenimore Cooper
by Ezra Tawil
- Diaries - Works for Large Ensemble
by Carlos Sánchez-Guitiérrez
- Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy
by Joanne Larson
- Encountering the Medieval in Modern Jewish Thought
by Aaron Hughes
- Encyclopedia of Energy
by Morris Pierce
- Engineering Dynamics: From the Lagrangian to Simulation
by Roger Gans
- Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: Pathophysiology and Practice
by Christopher Glanz, Loralei L. Thornburg, James R. Woods Jr., Carol Giffi
- Field Guide to Lens Design
by Julie Bentley
- First Aid for the Family Medicine Boards
by Michael Mendoza
- From Afar
by Nicholas Goluses
- The Future of Social Welfare in America
by Glenn Mackin
- Institutions in Global Distributive Justice
by Andras Miklos
- A Herzen Reader
by Kathleen Parthé
- High Performance Integrated Circuit Design
by Eby Friedman
- Interval-Censored Time-to-Event Data: Methods and Applications
by Ding-Geng Chen
- 13 Jazz Etudes for Saxophone
by Charles Pillow
- Less Is More
by Rich Thompson
- Live at Eastman
by John Covach
- Mastering the Bow
by Gaelen McCormick
- Mental Status Examination Demystified: A Psychopathology Mini-Book
by Jeffrey Lyness
- Memorial Art Gallery 100 Years
by Lu Harper, Kerry Schauber, Marorie Searl
- Mercy!: A Celebration of Fenway Park's Centennial Told Through Red Sox Radio and TV
by Curt Smith
- Modern Clinical Trial Analysis
by Wan Tang, Xin Tu
- Nanomaterials
by Chunlei Guo
- Nonlinear Fiber Optics
by Govind Agrawal
- 2013 Lippincott's Nursing Drug Guide
by Amy Karch
- Focus on Nursing Pharmacology
by Amy Karch
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History
by Joan Shelley Rubin
- Pay it Forward: Mentoring New Information Professionals
by Mary Ann Mavrinac
- 2013 Lippincott's Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses
by Amy Karch
- The Power of Patient Stories: Learning Moments in Medicine
by Paul Griner
- Principles of Nano-Optics
by Lukas Novotny
- The Quest for Health Reform: A Satirical History
by Theodore Brown and Susan Ladwig
- Reminiscences: A Journey Through Particle Physics
by Adrian Melissinos
- Résistance à la Poésie
by James Longenbach
- Generations
by Rich Thompson
- Slack Key Instrumentals
by Wayne Knox
- Stravinsky: Octet & L'Histoire du Soldat
by Jan Opalach and Mark Scatterday
- Surgical Guide to Circumcision
by Assaf Yosha
- Susan B. Anthony and the Struggle for Equal Rights
by Mary Huth
- That Which Gets Tired and Then Kind
by Jennifer Fortin
- Theorizing Islam: Disciplinary Deconstruction and Reconstruction
by Aaron Hughes
- Values Clarification in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Practical Strategies for Individual and Group Settings
by Howard Kirschenbaum
- The Virtues of Poetry
by James Longenbach
- The Wave Function: Essays in the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics
by Alyssa Ney
- What's That Sound? An Introduction to Rock and Its History
by John Covach
- Winterreise
by Russell Miller and Robert Swensen
- Woodwind Doubling for the Saxophone Player
by Charles Pillow