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Jeanette Colby, the University’s calendar editor, offers a selection of events and activities to do this weekend. Find daily information on upcoming events on the University Events Calendar at

Photo provided by the Eastman School of Music

#1: A Sea Symphony Presented at Eastman

Considered one of the hallmark works for chorus and orchestra, A Sea Symphony will be performed by the Eastman-Rochester Chorus, Eastman Chorale, and the Eastman Philharmonia on Friday, April 29, at Kodak Hall. The work is Ralph Vaughan Williams’s first symphony, written by Williams in his early 30s. The symphony includes four movements inspired by the poems of American 19th-century poet Walt Whitman. Conducted by William Weinert, director of choral activities for Eastman and director of the Eastman-Rochester Chorus, the performance will also feature soloist soprano Yvonne Trobe and baritone Alan Cline. The concert, which is free and open to the public, begins at 8 p.m. at Eastman Theatre. Read more.

Photo by Brandon Vick
Photo by Brandon Vick

#2: Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage

All are invited to celebrate the diverse culture of the Asian community, which will be on display during the Asian Pacific American Heritage Family Day at the Memorial Art Gallery, on Sunday, May 1. The free program, from noon to 5 p.m., will feature live music, dance performances, and guided tours of the museum. Activities include international cultural display tables by area Asian organizations and hands-on art activities for families, which are conducted by creative workshop instructors and community volunteers. Donations of $5 per family are suggested. Visit a complete listing of activities.

Photo credit: slgckgc/Flickr
Photo credit: slgckgc/Flickr

#3: Concert Showcases Music In Memory of the Holocaust

The Eastman School of Music will present the third annual Holocaust Remembrance Concert, “A Time to Remember…,” on Sunday, May 1. Eastman faculty members will perform the music of composers who died during the Holocaust and music in memory of the historic tragedy, including works by Erwin Schulhoff, Viktor Ullmann, Robert Kahn, and Leroy Osman. “Although the concert is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the music of voices silenced by the tragic events of World War II and the Holocaust, we can find in this evening a message of hope, redemption, and the indomitable human spirit,” said Renee Jolles, curator of the concert and associate professor of violin at Eastman. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m. in Kilbourn Hall. Attendees are invited to attend a reception following the concert sponsored by Temple Beth El of Rochester. University ID holders will be admitted free and tickets for the general public are $10 and will be available at the door.

Photo provided by College Town

#4: Celebrate College Town’s Anniversary

College Town will mark its one-year anniversary with the event “Celebrate at Celebration Drive,” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 30. Festivities will include carnival-style games and food, music, prizes, a balloon artist and face painting, therapy dogs, and tasting experiences from restaurants in the shopping area at Mt. Hope Avenue. The day of activities will also include a half-mile Kids’ Fun Run at 10:30 a.m. for $20. Proceeds from the run will benefit the Friends of Strong at Strong Memorial Hospital. Register for the fun run or find information online.

Photo provided by the College Music Department

#5: Enjoy a Showcase of Musical Theater Performances

Students will present their musical theater talents of song and monologue in the showcase “Into the Light!” on Friday, April 29, and Saturday, April 30. The performance is a culmination of a semester-long course, in which students learned techniques of acting and interpreting a song, and performed several scenes from American musicals. The workshop is taught by David Runzo, theater director, and Kim Kowalke, professor of musicology at the Eastman School of Music and professor of music in the College Department of Music. Shows are free and begin at 7 p.m. at the Lower Strong Auditorium. Click here for a preview of the performances.