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Lindsey Valich

Senior Communications Specialist

Lindsey Valich


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Science & Technology
November 1, 2021 | 04:08 pm

Better models of atmospheric ‘detergent’ can help predict climate change

New research from Rochester scientist Lee Murray will aid in building more accurate computer models of the hydroxyl radical, an important ‘detergent of the atmosphere.’

topics: climate change, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lee Murray, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
In Photos
October 31, 2021 | 05:35 pm

Future physicists experience research firsthand during internship at Rochester

The University of Rochester’s Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures (CMAP) hosted a five-week internship program this summer for area high school students to learn about high-energy-density physics, perform lab experiments, and work on projects with Rochester physics and astronomy graduate students.

topics: Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures, Department of Physics and Astronomy, education, high-energy-density physics,
Science & Technology
October 20, 2021 | 08:35 am

Is ‘junk DNA’ a key to killing cancer cells?

Rochester biologists show how a selfish genetic element called retrotransposons that can cause tumors may also trigger the death of cancer cells.

topics: Andrei Seluanov, cancer, Department of Biology, featured-post, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, Vera Gorbunova, Yang Zhao,
Science & Technology
August 4, 2021 | 02:35 pm

Lunar samples solve mystery of the moon’s supposed magnetic shield

Rochester geophysicists’ latest findings contradict longstanding assumptions about whether Earth’s moon ever had a magnetic shield.

topics: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, featured-post-side, John Tarduno, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
June 1, 2021 | 11:05 am

Rochester laser experiments demonstrate ‘helium rain’ likely falls in the solar system

An international research team including University of Rochester scientists has validated a nearly 40-year-old prediction that helium rain is possible inside planets such as Jupiter and Saturn.

topics: Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures, Department of Mechanical Engineering, featured-post, Gilbert (Rip) Collins, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, high-energy-density physics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, research finding,
Science & Technology
May 28, 2021 | 01:26 pm

DESI’s quest to map the expanding universe begins

Rochester researchers are key members of an international collaboration to create a 3D map of the universe, which will help unravel the mysteries of dark energy.

topics: data science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Regina Demina, School of Arts and Sciences, Segev BenZvi,
Science & Technology
April 29, 2021 | 11:19 am

Will your future clothes be made of algae?

For the first time, Rochester researchers have used 3D printers and a novel bioprinting technique to print algae into living, photosynthetic materials that are tough and resilient.

topics: Anne S. Meyer, Department of Biology, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,