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Career Center announces inaugural Gwennies Award winners

Agnes Chen '17 is president of the Chinese Students' Association, which was named Student Organization of the Year. (University photo / Jim Mandelaro)

The inaugural Gwennies Award Luncheon, hosted by the Gwen M. Greene Career & Internship Center, was held Friday afternoon in the Douglass Ballroom in Frederick Douglass Commons. The awards honor partners who exemplify the center’s values—respect, collaboration, diversity and inclusion, betterment, and purpose.

University president and CEO Joel Seligman and Greene ’65, a longstanding Board of Trustees member, were among the speakers. Joe Testani, assistant dean and executive director of the Career Center, said it is Greene’s “immense passion” for the University and the center that inspires him.

“The work that we do collectively at the University supports the lives of our students, and that’s what gets me excited day in and day out,” Testani says. “These awards celebrate those partnerships.”

A special award was presented to Richard Feldman, dean of the College for the past decade, for his commitment and support of the Career Center. Feldman is stepping down at the end of this academic year.

large group portrait, with people holding awards
Gwen Greene ’65 stands with the inaugural class of winners of the Gwennie Awards. (University photo / Adam Cipolla)

Here are the award winners:

Student Leader:
Grant Dever ’16 (business) ’17 (T5), president, Students’ Association

Student Organization:
Chinese Students’ Association

Alumni Relations and Advancement:
Hajim Advancement Team (Eric Brandt and Derek Swanson) and Lisa Hall, executive director of Advancement for the College

Faculty Member:
Amy Lerner, associate professor of biomedical engineering

Academic Department Collaborator:
Marty Guenther, administrative assistant, Department of    Computer Science

Individual Student Life Partner:
Brian Magee, associate director for student activities
Sarah Van Munster, administrator for the College

Department Student Life Partner:
Office of Admissions

Alumnus Partner:
David Stark ‘16, business analyst, McKinsey & Company
Andrew Bosco ‘91, director of project management, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Stephen Fantone ’79 (PhD), founder and president, Optikos Corp.