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In Photos
April 10, 2017 | 03:52 pm

RESTORE flags fly on campus for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Students walk past 720 flags displayed on Wilson Quad representing the individuals who are sexually assaulted every day in the United States, set up by RESTORE sexual assault services for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. RESTORE serves the Rochester community with crisis intervention and support services for victims of sexual assault and their families. (University photo / J. Adam Fenster)

In Photos
March 31, 2017 | 01:43 pm

Diversity Conference 2017

“When was the first time in your life that you were aware of, or noticed, race?” Keynote speaker Shakti Butler posed this query at this year’s Diversity Conference on March 31. During her speech, “Irresistible Justice: Cultivating Joy as a Pathway to Equity,” Butler asked about the role of racism or inequality in the lives of the audience and allowed time for discussion and reflection.

topics: diversity, Diversity Conference,
In Photos
March 17, 2017 | 04:33 pm

Match Day

Senior medical students Shwetha Manjunath and Oluchi Iheagwara (back row, left to right); and Joanne Alcin, Brittany Moore, Brittany Black, and Leslie Anderson (front row, left to right) receive their match letters on Match Day. More than 100 School of Medicine and Dentistry students gathered in the Class of ’62 Auditorium to open sealed envelopes and learn their placement for residency. They were surrounded by their families, friends, and advisors during this emotional and exciting moment revealing the next chapter of their medical careers. (University photo / J. Adam Fenster)

In Photos
March 6, 2017 | 03:44 pm

Smithsonian secretary addresses questions of arts and cities

David Skorton, the 13th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and the former president of Cornell, visited the University on March 3 for a keynote address and panel discussion about the humanities, arts, and the future of the city, sponsored by the Humanities Center. Other participants in the event at the Memorial Art Gallery included (left to right) Bruce Barnes, director of the George Eastman House; Jamal Rossi, the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music; Skorton; Kate Bennett, president of the Rochester Museum and Science Center; and moderator Mark Cuddy, artistic director of the GeVa Theatre Center. Skorton, a board-certified cardiologist, received an honorary degree from President Joel Seligman before his speech about the centrality of the arts and humanities, which he said play a “key and increasingly important role in overcoming society’s obstacles.”

topics: David Skorton,
In Photos
February 17, 2017 | 08:37 am

History comes to light

Haytham Abdelhakim ’20 and Ashley Tenesaca ’20 stop to look at a panel signed by University of Rochester students, faculty, and staff in 1994 when it accompanied the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt that had been displayed in Goergen Athletic Center. The panel had been saved by Linda Dudman, the associate director of health promotion at the University Health Service; Dudman has donated the panel to River Campus Libraries, where it is now on display.

topics: HIV and AIDS, River Campus Libraries,
In Photos
February 6, 2017 | 04:25 pm

It’s winter. It’s festive. It’s Winterfest.

One of the largest celebrations of the University’s annual Winterfest Weekend, Winter Wonderland, took place on Saturday, February 4 at the Campus Center and Wilson Quad. Huskies came to visit. Scarves were given away. Students enjoyed winter carnival activities—making s’mores, crystal imaging, cookie decorating, and more.

topics: events, Winterfest,
In Photos
January 27, 2017 | 01:15 pm

Author, activist DeGruy speaks on campus

Joy DeGruy (far right), assistant professor at Oregon State University and a self-described ambassador for healing, met with student leaders at Douglass Leadership House before delivering the Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address Friday evening. She answered questions and talked about her background, her experiences as a teacher, and about fighting injustice. “Choose your battles,” she told students. “But always be who you are.” (University photo / J. Adam Fenster)

topics: Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address,
In Photos
January 19, 2017 | 03:46 pm

Eastman alumni of ‘The President’s Own’ to perform at inauguration

Eleven alumni of the Eastman School of Music will perform in the 58th Inauguration of the President of the United States on Jan. 20, 2017, as members of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band. This marks the Marine Band’s 55th inaugural appearance.

topics: alumni, Eastman School of Music,
In Photos
December 29, 2016 | 03:41 pm

Parking staffer honored for quick action

Maketh “Daniel” Akok of University Parking and Transportation Services, received a Department of Public Safety Challenge Coin for his actions on Dec. 26. Akok assisted URDPS officers on a multiple vehicle motor vehicle accident in the Medical Center Parking Garage after a driver drove into a visitor’s vehicle. The pregnant visitor was attempting to get out of her car at the time of impact and was pinned in between her driver-side door and the frame of her vehicle. Without hesitation, Akok and URDPS officers placed their own well-being and safety aside and worked together to lift the vehicle away to release her trapped leg. The Department of Public Safety issued Akok a Challenge Coin, which are earned by every officer in the Department after they have graduated from URDPS Officer Academy. These coins are also given to University community members who go above and beyond to help the betterment of our community. From left to right: URDPS Lt. Joseph Hayflinger, Lt. Brian Weidman, Akok, and Sgt. Marlon Salmon.

topics: awards, Department of Public Safety, Department of Transportation and Parking Management,
In Photos
December 9, 2016 | 11:32 am

Global collaboration

University Provost and Senior Vice President for Research Robert Clark and Vice Provost for Global Engagement Jane Gatewood traveled to Taipei to meet with National Taiwan University (NTU) President Pan-Chyr Yang, NTU faculty members and administrators, and several University of Rochester alumni. The University has collaborated with NTU since the mid-1990s, and part of this recent discussion was focused on planning future collaborations between the two institutions, including renewing the formal collaboration agreement and expanding it to student and faculty exchange.

topics: global engagement,