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In Photos
October 6, 2018 | 06:51 pm

A celebration of Meliora

University alumni, community members, and friends celebrated the annual Meliora Weekend traditions of reunions, thought-provoking conversations, performances, and family fun.

topics: alumni, featured-post, Meliora Weekend,
In Photos
September 25, 2018 | 01:17 pm

‘A good reputation is measured by how much you can improve the lives of others’

Alumni and their families assemble food packages at the Baltimore Hunger Project, which was founded by Rochester alumna Lynne Kahn ’91. University of Rochester alumni are joining with alumni groups from the nation’s leading colleges and universities this month in a Global Day of Service. Alumni groups in San Francisco, New York City, Baltimore, Rochester, and other cities around the country are gathering to support the work of local nonprofits and community organizations. (AP Images for Rochester Review / Steve Ruark)

topics: alumni, community,
In Photos
September 11, 2018 | 10:38 am

Never forget

NROTC midshipmen Vanessa Carollo ’21, and Rochester Institute of Technology students Julie Nguyen and Daniel Sause take the first shift in a vigil on Eastman Quadrangle to honor members of local university communities who were killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

topics: NROTC,
In Photos
August 28, 2018 | 08:37 am

Meet the Class of 2022

Members of incoming Class of 2022 pose for their class photo on Monday before heading out into the Rochester community for the annual Wilson Day of service. The class totals  more than 1,300 students from 47 states (plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico) and 76 nations and is the most select yet, with 29 percent admitted from more than 20,000 College applicants. (University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

In Photos
August 17, 2018 | 03:57 pm

First step for future doctors

Ankit Dahal receives his white coat from professor of surgery David Kaufman as the School of Medicine & Dentistry welcome members of the Class of 2022 and the annual Dr. Robert L. & Lillian H. Brent White Coat Ceremony. (University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

topics: School of Medicine and Dentistry,
In Photos
August 15, 2018 | 12:31 pm

A sparkling summer in the field

Geology major Ben Crummins ’20, left, and physics major Frank Padgett III ’19 accompanied John Tarduno, professor and chair of earth and environmental sciences, to Labrador, Canada, this summer where the group conducted field work. The students sampled a rock known as anorthosite, which contains labradorite crystals. Labradorite crystals have the special property of refracting and reflecting light, which results in a unique iridescence.  (University of Rochester photo / John Tarduno)

topics: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, global engagement, John Tarduno, undergraduate research,
In Photos
July 24, 2018 | 02:34 pm

Happy Pride, Rochester!

A large contingent of University of Rochester students, faculty, and staff — more than 250 strong — joined the more than 150 organizations and an estimated 35,000 spectators who participated in the Rochester Pride Parade on Saturday.

topics: community, LGBTQI, Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center, Pride Network, Susan B. Anthony Center,
In Photos
June 28, 2018 | 02:51 pm

College Horizons

Students from College Horizons, a college access and success program for Native American high school students, share smiles on the Eastman Quadrangle on Thursday morning. About 70 are on the River Campus this week, taking part in workshops with admissions representatives and counselors from colleges across the nation. The University previously hosted the program in 2011. (University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

In Photos
June 4, 2018 | 02:12 pm

Office of Minority Student Affairs celebrates seniors

Graduating students celebrate following the recent 45th annual senior dinner honoring the Class of 2018 and highlighting OMSA’s role as an anchor for many undergraduate students of color during their time at Rochester. (University of Rochester photo / Crystal Cusimano-Figueroa)

topics: Class of 2018, Office of Minority Student Affairs,