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Campus Announcements

Hult Prize competition at Schlegel this Saturday

The Ain Center for Entrepreneurship and the Simon Business School will host the 2018 Hult Prize competition for University and Simon teams on Saturday, November 18, at 1 p.m. in Schlegel Hall. The event is open and free to the public.

The Hult Prize, co-sponsored by the Hult International Business School and the Clinton Global Initiative, is the largest social entrepreneurship competition in the world. Last year, a quartet of international students in the College reached the semifinals for their project Meliora Homes—making houses for refugees out of recycled plastic.

Ten teams in each track (University-wide and Simon Business School) will present to separate panels of judges during Saturday’s event. The winner from each track will advance to a Hult regional semifinal next spring.

“Hult Prize student competitors exemplify the University’s culture and mission to make the world ever better,” says Natalie Antal ‘11S (MS), associate director of the Ain Center. “These are the next wave of social entrepreneurs. We’re thrilled to support the competition and look forward to the solutions this year’s talented competitors will present on Saturday.”