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Society & Culture
April 27, 2020 | 11:54 am

Narayana Kocherlakota to Fed: Stop banks from paying dividends

In advance of this week’s Fed meeting, Kocherlakota calls on the Fed to prohibit banks from paying dividends to shareholders. “Banks should be keeping as much capital as they can,” he says.

topics: Department of Economics, economy, federal open market committee, federal reserve, FOMC, Narayana Kocherlakota, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
August 29, 2019 | 02:10 pm

Jumpy stock market hides economy’s positives

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been on a wild ride in August, but University of Rochester economist Narayana Kocherlakota thinks that talk of a possible recession in the US is premature.

topics: Department of Economics, economy, featured-post-side, Narayana Kocherlakota, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
April 8, 2019 | 02:21 pm

Rochester can become US growth engine, says MIT economist

In his latest book, Jon Gruber puts Rochester at the top of the list of 102 cities poised to become next generation tech hubs. The MIT economist will host a panel discussion on Rochester’s potential to jump-start America.

topics: City of Rochester, community, economy, events, Robert Clark,
November 13, 2018 | 02:24 pm

Stock market ups and downs: A long view is in order

How concerned should the investing public be about recent downturns in the stock market? While daily fluctuations make for interesting news stories, Simon Business School professor Bill Schwert advises investors to “take a long view.”

topics: Bill Schwert, economy, Simon School of Business,
Society & Culture
November 2, 2017 | 04:59 pm

Fed expert calls Jerome Powell an “excellent nomination”

Following President Trump’s nomination of Jerome Powell to succeed Janet Yellen as chief of the Federal Reserve, Narayana Kocherlakota noted his approval of the selection.

topics: Department of Economics, economy, Narayana Kocherlakota, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
March 31, 2017 | 05:03 pm

Susan B. Anthony Center hosts Equal Pay Day panel

Panelists will discuss how the pay gap continues to affect gender and labor dynamics, and address how members of the University community can work to combat inequity.

topics: economy, events, feminism, Susan B. Anthony Center,
University News
June 16, 2016 | 09:30 am

University’s economic impact expands across NYS

The University, which is the region’s largest employer, is the 6th largest private sector employer in the state and the largest private employer in upstate New York.

topics: announcements, community, economy,
University News
September 9, 2015 | 11:14 am

Groundbreaking for HTR’s new incubator takes place at Sibley Building

Construction for the new University-affiliated High Tech Rochester (HTR) Business Accelerator is under way. The sixth floor of the former department store will undergo a $24 million renovation to create a state-of-the art business incubation facility in the heart of downtown Rochester.

topics: announcements, community, economy, Finger Lakes Economic Development Council, High Tech Rochester,
University News
October 21, 2014 | 07:23 pm

UR announces PharmAdva will join START-UP NY

PharmAdva is commercializing a technology developed at the University of Rochester Medical Center by Michel Berg, M.D. The company will be making automated home pill dispensers that prompt patients to take their medications on time and in the proper doses.

topics: announcements, economy, Michel Berg,