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Surplus Furniture

Medical Center Surplus Property

This surplus property program is available to the entire University community. All items are donated by different areas of the University and are then available for purchase. You can either pick up items for free at the off-site warehouse or have them delivered for a $90 charge. Contact Chris Krenzer from Medical Center Facilities Operations with any questions.

River Campus Repurposing 

If you are an employee in Arts, Sciences & Engineering and are interested in repurposing an item or searching for repurposed items, email Nicholas Ernst-Maynard, the project manager for space and operations in the AS&E Deans’ Office.

A warehouse room full of tables and cabinets, ready to be repurposed and recycled.Image credit: Chris Krenzer and Michael Osadciw

Recycling Posters

Download and print these posters for your classroom, conference room, breakroom, or office.

Public Space Recycling Poster
recycling posterdownload this poster (.pdf)