Serving the Underserved

Maya Bhattacharjee-Marcantonio ’12 cofounded a school that offers low income students training for careers in software engineering...

A Pilot Finds a New Mission

A former Navy pilot makes it her mission to help others “live with hope” by bringing yoga to populations that...

A Lifetime as a Leader

Ruth Lawrence ’49M (MD) A trailblazing pediatrician, a Medical Center physician says she “hit the jackpot” in life. Ruth Lawrence...

Toting a Tony

When Madeline Topkins Michel ’77 took the stage at the Tony Awards ceremony in June to receive the 2019 Excellence...

Barbara Whitten ’77 (PhD)

Making physics less alpha

As a physics student in the 1970s, Barbara Whitten ’77 (PhD) often found herself one of the only women—if not...

Diane Ambler ’71 standing in quad

Invested in law

Years ago, Diane Ambler ’71 started writing a memoir of sorts. Every chapter began with a quotation of something that...

Caitlin Meives ’05

A new generation in preservation

Caitlin Meives ’05 is such a preservationist that she recently found in her attic the Rochester history department flier that...

opera performances

An operatic ‘trapeze artist’

Since 2011, a string of critically acclaimed appearances in the great opera houses of Vienna, Munich, and Paris have established...