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Advising Handbook


The Fellowships Office, located in Dewey Hall, coordinates the program for selected national fellowship and scholarship competitions. The office maintains information on and assists students applying for many awards, including but not limited to the following: Beinecke, Churchill, Critical Language Scholarship, Davis Projects for Peace, Fulbright, Goldwater, Gates Cambridge, Marshall, NSF, Rhodes, RISE, Soros, Truman, and Udall. Some awards support undergraduate study but most are for graduate study in the U.S. or abroad. Fellowships programs are described on the Fellowships Office website, which is accessible at

The fellowships director invites outstanding students to apply for appropriate fellowships and scholarships; students interested in learning more about these awards and the application process should attend an information session—several are held each semester—or call 276-5869 to schedule an appointment with the fellowships director. Candidates who are successful at the national level not only have excellent academic records but also have distinguished themselves in service and leadership endeavors on and off campus. Therefore, it is never too early for students to include prestigious fellowships among their college pursuits.

While official deadlines for most fellowships competitions are in early fall or early winter, UR campus application deadlines are much earlier. For example, the campus application process begins in the preceding spring semester for some programs with fall deadlines, which means students polish their applications for these programs over the summer. For programs with a winter application deadline, the campus process starts in early fall. The number of UR students participating in national academic competitions is on the rise, and more UR applicants are winning awards. Potential applicants are encouraged to consult the fellowships director as early as possible to begin laying the foundation of a competitive candidacy for a prestigious fellowship.