Page 2 - Celebrating 10 Years of Impact | George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
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Members of the George Eastman Circle, the University’s premier leadership

          annual giving society, stand at the forefront of a movement that will help

          provide an even greater service to the world.

          It is with tremendous pride that we celebrate the 10th   I also want to thank Nathan Moser, who served as
          anniversary of the George Eastman Circle.          a National Chair of the George Eastman Circle for
                                                             five years and helped expand our presence across the
          Believe it or not, more than a decade ago the plan   globe; and Evans Lam, who has just become our new
          to create the Circle was sketched out on a napkin   National Chair.
          that thankfully happened to be on our table during a
          meeting. That napkin listed our hopes, our ideas, and   And, I thank you. We are forever grateful for all
          a path to create the University’s premier leadership   that you have done, and will continue to do, for the
          giving program.                                    University of Rochester and its Medical Center.

          My co-chair, Tom Sloan, and I had an original goal
          of 250 memberships. Today, we have a collective
          membership that is fourteen times what we originally
          dreamed up… 3,500 alumni, parents, community
          leaders, and friends have joined us. From an
          investment standpoint, the George Eastman Circle’s
          collective generosity totals $85 million.

          Your leadership has left an indelible mark,
          combining the power of philanthropy with others to
          serve as the lifeblood for so many areas of academia,
          research, and health care.

          As we honor this milestone, I want to thank
          Gwen Greene—who has served as the chair of the           LAURENCE H. BLOCH ’75
          University’s Annual Giving Programs, and is a true         Chair, University of Rochester
          champion of the Circle.                                   Board Advancement Committee
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