The Wilson Society honors and celebrates philanthropic individuals who have established life-income plans or named the University of Rochester as a beneficiary of their estate. The Society recognizes the importance of planned gifts to the University today and for its future. Members ensure their personal legacy and enjoy the privilege of shaping tomorrow.

We invite you to join us in making the world ever better, forever.

Message from the Chair



Janice M. Willett ’78S (MBA), P’15S, a University of Rochester life trustee, has been named the chair of the Wilson Society. Willett—who is a founding member of the Wilson Society as well as a member of the George Eastman Circle—believes in the power of philanthropy to transform lives long into the future. She also believes in the trifecta of philanthropic giving—annual support, endowment funding, and legacy giving.

Willett notes, “If it’s your heart to do something for the University, during your lifetime or beyond, the University can help you find the right pathway to accomplish your goal. The Wilson Society honors those who have included the University in their legacy giving. We are a community of friends whose future support will strengthen the schools, departments, hospitals, and programs where each of us has chosen to invest and have an impact.”

Willett succeeds University of Rochester Life Trustee, Alan Hilfiker ’60, a Founding Member of the Wilson Society and its first volunteer chair. Hilfiker’s leadership as chair of the Estate and Planned Giving Initiative for The Meliora Challenge helped lead the campaign to surpass its goal. The University is grateful for his leadership and loyal support.

“I hope you will imagine your own personal legacy at the University and I invite you to join me as a member of the Wilson Society.”

—Janice Willett University of Rochester Life Trustee; Wilson Society National Chair; Founding Member, Wilson Society; Sustaining Benefactor, George Eastman Circle