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Lindsey Valich

Senior Communications Specialist

Lindsey Valich


Author Posts Loop

Science & Technology
June 14, 2023 | 11:32 am

Plate tectonics not required for the emergence of life

The finding contradicts previous assumptions about the role of mobile plate tectonics in the development of life on Earth.

topics: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, John Tarduno, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
April 27, 2023 | 02:50 pm

Unlocking the power of photosynthesis for clean energy production

A new grant will allow Rochester researchers to leverage bacteria and nanomaterials to mimic photosynthesis and produce clean-burning hydrogen fuel.

topics: Andrew White, Anne S. Meyer, Department of Biology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Kara Bren, Materials Science Program, research funding, School of Arts and Sciences, sustainability, Todd Krauss,
Science & Technology
March 30, 2023 | 11:29 am

Was plate tectonics occurring when life first formed on Earth?

Zircon crystals and magmas reveal new information about plate tectonic activity on Earth billions of years ago.

topics: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Dustin Trail, featured-post-side, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
February 23, 2023 | 11:48 am

Small, involuntary eye movements help us see a stable world

“Fixational” eye movements play a larger role in vision than previously thought, according to Rochester researchers.

topics: Center for Visual Science, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, featured-post-side, Michele Rucci, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
February 9, 2023 | 03:52 pm

New models shed light on life’s origin

Dustin Trail used experiments and zircon chemistry to build more accurate computer models of fluids that act as pathways from inner Earth to Earth’s surface.

topics: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Dustin Trail, featured-post, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
January 6, 2023 | 02:20 pm

Flash Center moves to Rochester, advances cutting-edge physics research

The Flash Center—devoted to computer simulations to advance understanding of astrophysics, plasma science, high-energy-density physics, and fusion energy—has moved from the University of Chicago to Rochester.

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, high-energy-density physics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Petros Tzeferacos, School of Arts and Sciences,
Voices & Opinion
January 5, 2023 | 02:49 pm

Lasers usher in a new era of astronomy

Large-scale, laser-based experiments have recently revolutionized astrophysics, writes Rochester professor Adam Frank, allowing scientists to recreate the cosmos in science labs.

topics: Adam Frank, Department of Physics and Astronomy, high-energy-density physics, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
December 13, 2022 | 12:58 pm

Scientists hit key milestone in fusion energy quest

The major breakthrough of achieving ignition is cause for celebration at Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics as well.

topics: featured-post, featured-post-side, Laboratory for Laser Energetics,