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Peter Iglinski

Communications Officer and Media Relations Specialist

Peter Iglinski


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University News
June 5, 2014 | 02:09 pm

Lemonade sale fights childhood cancer

Danielle Benoit and her fellow researchers will be serving lemonade and explaining their research in childhood cancer therapies at the 5th Annual Benoit Laboratory Lemonade Stand.

topics: cancer, Danielle Benoit,
University News
May 21, 2014 | 08:13 pm

Weix honored with chemistry award

Daniel Weix, assistant professor of chemistry, has been selected as one of 14 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholars for 2014, an award given to faculty members in the chemical sciences who are within the first five years of their academic careers and who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship and commitment to education.

Science & Technology
April 23, 2014 | 08:16 pm

Biologist Vera Gorbunova to lead 5-year project on longevity

A $9.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging will support research into the factors responsible for longevity in various species of long-lived rodents, with the goal of developing treatments to improve the aging process in people.

topics: Aging, Department of Biology, grant, longevity, National Institute on Aging, School of Arts and Sciences, Vera Gorbunova,
Science & Technology
April 21, 2014 | 08:31 pm

Progress made in developing nanoscale electronics

How can you reliably control the current that flows from one electrode to another in a circuit that is the width of a single molecule? The key, according to assistant professor of chemical engineering Alexander Shestopalov, is adding a second, inert layer of molecules.

topics: Alexander Shestopalov, Department of Chemical Engineering, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, nanotechnology, OLED, research finding, URnano,
Science & Technology
April 21, 2014 | 07:44 pm

Andes mountains formed by ‘growth spurts’

Scientists have long been trying to understand how the Andes and other broad, high-elevation mountain ranges were formed. New research by Carmala Garzione, professor of earth and environmental sciences, provides an explanation.

topics: Carmala Garzione, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, geology, mountains, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
March 5, 2014 | 05:27 pm

First 3-D image of structure below Sierra Negra volcano created

Home to some of the most active volcanoes in the world, researchers now have a better picture of the subterranean plumbing system that feeds the Galápagos volcanoes.

topics: Cynthia Ebinger, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Galápagos Islands, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
January 10, 2014 | 10:12 pm

Biologist honored with NSF award

Sina Ghaemmaghami has been recognized for “exemplifying the role” of teacher-scholar.

topics: Department of Biology, grant, National Science Foundation, School of Arts and Sciences, Sina Ghaemmaghami,
University News
December 27, 2013 | 08:42 pm

Professor emeritus of economics passes

Stanley Engerman, the John Munro Professor of Economics at the University, remembers Walter Oi as an “incredible person” who advanced the field of economics under personal handicaps.

topics: Commission on Employment of People with Disabilities, economics, military draft, Walter Oi,