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Sara Miller

Associate Vice President for Public Relations and University Spokesperson

Sara Miller


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University News
October 21, 2015 | 09:46 am

Holly Crawford named University senior vice president, CFO, and treasurer

Holly G. Crawford has been named the University of Rochester’s senior vice president for administration and finance, chief financial officer and treasurer. University President and CEO Joel Seligman announced her appointments at an event on Oct. 21, and she will begin in the roles on Jan. 15, 2016.

topics: Administration and Finance, appointments, Holly Crawford,
University News
October 16, 2015 | 01:28 pm

More all-gender restrooms available on River Campus

The newly converted all-gender restrooms are located in Wilson Commons and in academic buildings and student residence halls throughout River Campus.

topics: announcements, gender, University Facilities and Services,
University News
October 15, 2015 | 12:28 pm

Robert Clark named 10th University provost

Robert Clark (center) has been appointed provost, succeeding Provost Peter Lennie (left), who will step down in June 2016. University President and CEO Joel Seligman (right) announced the appointment today, adding that Clark will serve in the dual role of provost and senior vice president for research, and will step down from his current role as dean of the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

topics: appointments, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Joel Seligman, Peter Lennie, provost, Robert Clark,
University News
July 28, 2015 | 02:19 pm

Rochester earns National Weather Service StormReady certification

The NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS) has recognized the Rochester as a StormReady® university for its preparedness to handle all types of severe and potentially life-threatening weather. Rochester is the first private university in New York State to be certified StormReady.

topics: announcements, National Weather Service,
University News
July 27, 2015 | 12:00 pm

Vice President Biden, Governor Cuomo announce that Rochester will be headquarters for nation’s newest manufacturing innovation hub

The University of Rochester is a key partner in a consortium that has won a national competition to advance U.S. photonics manufacturing capability. The new American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics) will be headquartered in Rochester, New York.

topics: American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics, photonics,
Campus Life
June 9, 2015 | 10:11 am

Singer Awards recognize those who changed lives of four UR graduates

Each year, seniors in the College are invited to nominate a high school teacher for consideration for the Singer Family Prize. The four award winners receive a plaque and $3,000, as well as $2,500 for their school.

topics: awards, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Singer Family Prize,