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Society & Culture
April 20, 2016 | 12:13 pm

Joshua Dubler awarded Carnegie Fellowship to explore prison abolition

Joshua Dubler, assistant professor of religion, will spend the next two years pursuing the question of whether the prison itself is a necessary component of modern society.

topics: awards, Carnegie Fellowship, Department of Religion and Classics, Joshua Dubler, prison, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
April 18, 2016 | 04:53 pm

Do you know your Rochester Pulitzer Prize winners?

A total of 13 members of the University community have won the Pulitzer Prize since the awards were established in 1917. Take this quiz to see if you can match the winners and the works for which they won?

topics: awards, Pulitzer Prize,
Society & Culture
April 18, 2016 | 08:31 am

Conversations on linguistics and politics with Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics, emeritus, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is the University’s Distinguished Visiting Humanist. Chomsky, an esteemed linguist, philosopher, political commentator, and activist, will meet with students and faculty this week. In advance of his visit, Jeffrey Runner, Chair of the Department of Linguistics, and Theodore Brown, Professor of History and Charles E. and Dale L. Phelps Professor of Public Health and Policy, talked with Chomsky about his seminal works in linguistics and politics.

topics: Department of History, Department of Linguistics, events, Humanities Center, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
April 13, 2016 | 11:14 am

Q&A: Poland’s evolving democracy

Urszula Gacek, consul general of the Republic of Poland in New York, will discuss the transformation of local government in Poland and its integration of public-private partnership, participatory budgeting, and civil society.

topics: Department of Political Science, politics, School of Arts and Sciences, Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies, Social Sciences,
Society & Culture
April 12, 2016 | 08:31 am

Witnessing history: Memories of the Lincoln assassination

On April 14, 1865, Albert Barrett, a member of the University’s Class of 1869, was in Ford’s Theater, celebrating his birthday two days before. His seat in the balcony box immediately opposite the president afforded him a clear view of events

topics: civil war, featured-post, Rochester Review, University Archives,
Society & Culture
April 11, 2016 | 07:39 am

Cross-border financing squeezes domestic banking sector

A new study coauthored by accounting professor Sudarshan Jayaraman predicts that access to cross-border financing by multinational firms reduces the firms’ reliance on domestic banks, causing those banks to take on more risk to remain competitive.

topics: global engagement, research finding, Simon Business School,
Society & Culture
April 7, 2016 | 09:34 am

Q&A: The man who invented Dothraki

Linguist David Peterson, best known for creating the Dothraki and Valyrian languages for the HBO series Game of Thrones, will discuss the craft of creating new languages at a talk April 13.

topics: David Peterson, Department of Linguistics, events, humanities, language, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
March 29, 2016 | 04:37 pm

Parting words: Leave-taking during the Renaissance

As this year’s keynote speaker for the Ferrari Humanities Symposia, literary critic Jane Tylus will outline some of her new ways of thinking about how artists and others in early modern Europe depicted rituals of separation in a public talk, “Saying Good-bye in the Renaissance: Leave-Taking as a Work of Art,” on April 5.

topics: events, featured-post, Ferrari Humanities Symposia, humanities, Humanities Center, Jane Tylus, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
March 29, 2016 | 03:36 pm

Race, sex, and Allied power relations during WWII

Mary Louise Roberts talk, “The Leroy Henry Case: Sexual Violence and Allied Relations in Great Britain, 1944,” takes place on Thursday, March 31, 2016, at 5 p.m. in the Hawkins-Carlson Room.

topics: Department of History, events, humanities, School of Arts and Sciences, sexual assault, World War II,