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Campus Life
April 13, 2017 | 03:04 pm

Projects for Peace grant winners to help expand voter turnout in Liberia

For one week in July, Emmanuel Gweamee ’20 and Aime Laurent Twizerimana ’20 will visit the Liberian capital of Monrovia to teach voting-age young people with disabilities about their civic responsibilities, with the help of a Davis Projects for Peace grant worth $10,000.

topics: awards, Davis Projects for Peace, elections,
Campus Life
April 13, 2017 | 10:16 am

Douglass Community Kitchen heating up for clubs, classes

Since opening in late January, the kitchen has been a hit with student organizations and faculty, who have held some of their classes there. “Based on the usage we’re seeing, we’ve really created something that students, faculty, and instructors are looking for,” says Laura Ballou ’97.

topics: Douglass Community Kitchen, featured-post-side, Frederick Douglass Commons,
Campus Life
April 10, 2017 | 04:12 pm

ArtAwake 2017: A look back

ArtAwake, a mix of art, music, food, and family fun in one setting, marked its 10th anniversary this year with an art “happening” held in Rettner Hall. This is the first time ArtAwake has been held on campus.

topics: ArtAwake,
Campus Life
April 7, 2017 | 02:19 pm

Career Center announces inaugural Gwennies Award winners

Hosted by the Gwen M. Greene Career & Internship Center, the awards honor student organizations and partners who exemplify the center’s values—respect, collaboration, diversity and inclusion, betterment, and purpose.

topics: awards, Gwen M. Greene Career and Internship Center,
Campus Life
April 6, 2017 | 12:10 pm

Critical Language Scholarship winners to study Turkish, Mandarin Chinese

Daria Lynch ’18 (T5 ’19), a history major, and Christian Wooddell ’17, an anthropology major, will be heading overseas this summer as part of the U.S. State Department program.

topics: awards, China, Critical Language Scholarships, Department of Anthropology, Department of History, global engagement, Turkey,
Campus Life
April 3, 2017 | 11:39 am

University students, youth farmers collaborate for food justice

Students enrolled in a new course in Food Justice & Social Practice combine urban farming, food security, and socially engaged art.

topics: Cary Peppermint, Department of Art and Art History, Environmental Humanities Program, Leila Nadir, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, School of Arts and Sciences, sustainability,
Campus Life
March 23, 2017 | 01:34 pm

Career Center using data to connect students, employers

By tracking data on job placement, salaries, and location, students can “go online and see that, just because you have an English degree or a psychology degree, it doesn’t mean you have to work for a certain company.”

topics: data science, Gwen M. Greene Career and Internship Center,