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The Arts
March 20, 2019 | 03:22 pm

Students celebrate World Poetry Day with on-air readings

Students and tutors from the University of Rochester’s Language Center were on local radio this week to mark World Poetry Day with a celebration of poems in Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, and American Sign Language.

topics: diversity, Language Center,
The Arts
March 15, 2019 | 01:30 pm

Keeping Leonard Bernstein alive for the current generation

Jamie Bernstein, writer, broadcaster, and narrator, will discuss her father’s legacy as part of a series of events celebrating “Leonard Bernstein and American Musical Theater.”

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, Eastman Community Music School, Eastman School of Music, events, Humanities Center, Humanities Project, Kim Kowalke, Rachel Waddel, School of Arts and Sciences,
The Arts
February 12, 2019 | 02:02 pm

Be inspired to dance

The ninth annual inspireDance Festival features more than 30 events, performances, and master classes covering many dance styles, for newcomers and experienced dancers alike.

topics: events, inspireDANCE Festival, Institute for the Performing Arts, Program of Dance and Movement,
The Arts
February 12, 2019 | 01:23 pm

‘Working on small things’

Nigel Maister has a foothold in music, theater, writing, and visual arts. In the first of a series of interviews with performing arts leaders, the theater program director describes how curiosity keeps his work fresh.

topics: Institute for the Performing Arts, International Theatre Program, Nigel Maister, profile, School of Arts and Sciences,
The Arts
November 29, 2018 | 12:57 pm

Digital scholars rescue lost Japanese film

A 1929 Japanese silent film inspired by a classic O. Henry short story was long thought lost until Rochester researchers collaborated to bring it back to the big screen.

topics: Department of English, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Digital Scholarship Lab, Film and Media Studies Program, George Eastman Museum, Joanne Bernardi, River Campus Libraries, School of Arts and Sciences,
The Arts
November 26, 2018 | 02:56 pm

Conversation with visiting director Christina Roussos

Christina Roussos, visiting Rochester from the School of Visual Arts in New York City, talks about directing students from diverse backgrounds in the play “Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again,” which opens November 29 for a two-weekend run.

topics: Department of English, humanities, Institute for the Performing Arts, International Theatre Program, School of Arts and Sciences,