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Classes of 1966, 1866 share musical connection ‘beside the Genesee’

FAMILY HISTORY: Jocelyn Trueblood, Class of 1966, shares the musical bent of her great-grandfather, Herve Dwight Wilkins, Class of 1866 . He arranged the tune for “The Genesee,” Rochester’s alma mater.

Since the late 19th century, Rochester students have sung about “many fair and famous streams” as they give voice to “The Genesee,” Rochester’s alma mater. Most know it by heart.

But Jocelyn Trueblood ’66 keeps a copy tucked away in her genealogy papers. That’s because she is the great-granddaughter of its musical arranger, Herve Dwight Wilkins, who graduated from Rochester a century before her, in 1866.

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archival image of "The Genesee" musical score
Arrangement of “The Genesee,” by Herve Dwight Wilkins, Class of 1866. Accompanied by the words of poet Thomas Swinburne, a member of the Class of 1892, the melody became the University’s alma mater. After graduation, Wilkins made his career as a church organist and music teacher in Rochester. (University image / Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation)

Trueblood will be returning to campus this weekend with many other members of her class, celebrating their 50th reunion during Meliora Weekend.

Listen to more classic songs of campus

The Class of 1966 was among the last of Rochester’s graduating classes to know all the songs and class chants. Still, some songs stand the test of time even today, while others may have fallen into obscurity. Here is a sample of songs, performed by today’s a cappella student ensembles.

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Dandelion Yellow, sung by the YellowJackets

Oh, the Dandelion Yellow
Tis a color rich and mellow
Accorded love and loyalty
By many a gallant fellow

Oh let Harvard have her crimson
And old Eli’s sons their blue
To the Dandelion Yellow
We will e’er be true

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The Campus Song, sung by the YellowJackets

You may talk of the halls of your college
You may talk of the men it’s bred
You may talk of the life you knew there
But when everything’s done and said

Though you travel the whole world over
And the fairest sites have seen
They’ll be nothing your memory will dwell on
Like the thoughts of your old college green

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The Cutler Song, song After Hours

As the tower of Cutler
So may we Prince Street daughters
Raise our voices high

Pledging to Rochester
Loyalty for aye
Pledging to each other
Friendship that shall not die