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Celia Konowe ’21 and Oti Yonwuren ‘22 on the set of Terminal 3, a hybrid-style production by the International Theatre Program opening April 30. (International Theatre Program photo)

The University of Rochester’s theater program presents a contemporary drama staged and filmed as a hybrid production.

How to watch

The production is approximately one hour and will only be viewable at the specific times. It will not available on demand.

Five performances only

April 30 @ 8 p.m.
May 1 @ 8 p.m.
May 2 @ 8 p.m.
Matinees on May 1 and 2 @ 3 p.m.

Watch 8 p.m. shows here.
Watch 3 p.m. matinees here.

Directed, production design, and edited by Nigel Maister

Photography by Michael “Skooter” Capeheart

Costume design by LaTivia McCowan

Lighting by Seth Reiser

Sound by Obadiah Eaves

The International Theatre Program will present Terminal 3 — a play by playwright and poet Lars Norén—from April 30 through May 2.

One of Sweden’s most highly regarded playwrights, Norén wrote more than 70 plays that were translated into several languages and performed regularly in Europe before he died of COVID-19 in January.

Terminal 3 is a story of two couples, one young and the other older, who come together in a waiting room: the young couple awaiting the birth of their child and the older identifying their child’s body.

“It’s a portrait of people at critical junctures in their lives: birth, death and, indeed, in their relationships themselves. It’s a piece that’s both nuanced and subtle,” says Nigel Maister, the Russell and Ruth Peck Artistic Director for the International Theatre Program. “It’s a moving, slightly surreal, and relies on small gestures rather than dramatic ‘fireworks.’ ”

The production takes on the hybrid nature of the current cultural moment. “We shot it like a movie, and it was staged partly as a traditional play, but also specifically for the camera,” says Maister, director and designer of the production. “The piece lends itself to this format because its dreamlike intimacy,” he says.

During the fall 2020 semester, the International Theatre Program produced Nicolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector — an entirely online recorded performance that involved technical challenges and afforded creative liberties. According to Maister, this year’s hybrid format is helpful for the student actors to explore acting for the camera and acting for the stage. “I was hoping to give the students a dual experience,” he says. “It’s interesting to push the envelope and see what we can do.”

Terminal 3: In pictures

International Theatre Program photos / Nigel Maister

two actors on a set, surrounded by cameras and screens.
Celia Konowe ’21 and Oti Yonwuren ’22.
two actors on a set, one in a hospital bed and the other sitting on the side, holding a lighting reflector.
Elizabeth Winterbourn ’22 and Miles Harrison ’23.
Three computer screens, two large and one small, showing the same hospital bed scene with two actors.
Screen captures of Elizabeth Winterbourn ’22 and Miles Harrison ’23.
two students in COVID masks working over a large sound board.
Ruoxin “Rici” Yang ’21 and Ananya Chauhan ’21, stage managers and sound engineers.