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Jamal Holtz ’20, Gwen Paker ’20E, selected SA presidents

Jamal Holtz ’20, left, and Gwen Paker ’20E are the newly elected leaders of the Students’ Association governments in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering and at the Eastman School of Music, respectively. (University of Rochester photos / J. Adam Fenster, Emma Chang '20)

Jamal Holtz ’20 and Gwen Paker ’20E will serve as Students’ Association presidents for the College and the Eastman School of Music, respectively, for the 2019–20 academic year.

Both were elected in student voting earlier this month.

Holtz, a political science major from Washington, D.C., was student vice president this past year. Anne Marie Cortes ’20, a financial economics and political science dual major from Staten Island, New York, will be the new student government vice president after serving this past year as executive director of campus services.

“Our main goal will be to create policies and initiatives that are continuously student-driven,” Holtz says. “In doing that, it will effectively engage students each day to make sure we’re advocating for every student on campus.”

At Eastman, Paker will move up from her previous role as vice president of communications. She’s a vocal performance major from Madison, Wisconsin. Her vice president will be Rebecca Smith ’21E, a harp performance major from West Jordan, Utah.

“Our main goal is to further connect Eastman students to the Eastman administration,” Paker says. “We have a great campus community and hope to highlight it and strengthen it even further.”