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Photo essay: Looking forward to Move-in Day by looking back

More than 1,400 students will arrive on River Campus this year as the new Class of 2021. (University photo / J. Adam Fenster)

Each August, the University of Rochester prepares for Move-in Day, when the incoming freshman class arrives to begin their time as undergraduates. With the help of family, friends, and University volunteers, more than 1,000 new students move into five residence halls on the River Campus and the downtown Eastman Campus.

Beginning on Aug. 25, more than 1,300 members of the Class of 2018 will arrive on River Campus and at the Eastman School of Music. Here’s a look back to Move-in Days of yesteryear.

rear windshield of a packed car is painted with the words UofR Bound2012: For River Campus move-in, carloads of freshmen and their families begin lining up in Park Lot as early as 9 a.m.


parking lot full of long lines of cars2013: With more than 1,000 new students moving into the residence halls, the whole campus rallies to streamline the process.


a cappella group performs in matching baseball jerseys2013: The Midnight Ramblers, our all-male contemporary a capella group, entertain the incoming freshmen and their families as they wait to move into the residence halls.


student raises her arms and cheers as a car pulls up in front of residence hall2008: We’ve got spirit, yes we do! Anna Grushevsky ’09, one of many Move-in Day volunteers, welcomes new freshmen to Susan B. Anthony Halls.


large rock in front of Susan B. Anthony Hall painted with the word WELCOME2013: Welcome to Sue B! Susan B. Anthony Halls is one of the main freshman residence halls on River Campus.


student pushes Rocky yellowjacket mascot in a luggage cart2013: Dominick Schumacher ’16 pulls Rocky along as they prepare to help freshmen move into Susan B. Anthony Halls.


group of student helpers in matching t-shirts carrying pillows, suitcases2009: Many hands make light work as current Rochester students help the next class move into their new homes.


out-of-focus shot of swirling activity around the elevators in Susan B. Anthony Hall2012: School daze: Move-in commotion fills the lobby of Sue B.


elevator packed with smiling students and families2013: Going up? Move-in continues at Susan B. Anthony Halls with everyone lending a hand.


students and families re-arrange furniture in a dorm rool2012: It’s a home away from home for baseball teammates Jake Meyerson (center, L) and Nolan Schultz (center, R), who arrange furniture in their dorm room with the help of their families.


student walks along downtown street with a guitar case on his back.2008: Meanwhile, the Eastman move-in continues downtown. Here, double bass performance major Andrew Grandahl and his family head toward the Student Living Center.


father sits in the bumper of his packed car and smiles2008: Proud papa Bill Dietz enjoys a beautiful Rochester day on the Eastman Campus while his son and wife pick up the room keys.


large crowd of students and families unload cars2011: It’s all hands on deck at the Eastman Student Living Center as the newest students make downtown Rochester their home.


father carries a banjo and other instruments2011: A dad’s work is never done. Kevin Girton of Wichita, Kansas, carries instruments for his daughter.