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Four Rochester professors of political science will be recognized for their award-winning research during the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in Washington, D.C., August 28 to 31.

Lynda Powell will receive the inaugural Virginia Gray Best Book Award for her book The Influence of Campaign Contributions in State Legislatures. The Gray Award, presented by the state politics and policy section of the American Political Science Association, recognizes the best book on state politics in the last three years.



Gerald Gamm with coauthor Thad Kousser of UC San Diego will receive the 2014 Best Paper Award presented by the state politics and policy section of the American Political Science Association. The award is for their paper “Contingent Partisanship: When Party Labels Matter–and When They Don’t–in the Distribution of Pork in American State Legislatures.”




G. Bingham Powell, Jr., will receive the 2014 Leon Weaver Award for his paper “Party System Polarization and the Ideological Congruence Mechanism.” The award, sponsored by the APSA section on representation and electoral systems, honors the best paper in the subfield presented at the previous year’s meeting of the American Political Science Association.




Hein Goemans along with Kristian Skrede Gleditsch of the University of Essex and Giacomo Chiozza of Vanderbilt University will receive the 2014 Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Dataset Award, sponsored by the APSA section on comparative politics, for the dataset Archigos. This dataset contains comprehensive information on leaders of 188 countries from 1875 to 2004.