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Posts Tagged Lynda Powell

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Society & Culture
June 21, 2019 | 04:05 pm

Do political term limits work?

Rochester political scientist Lynda Powell, who has studied the effects of legislative term limits since 1995, testified on Capitol Hill about her research findings on the matter.

topics: Department of Political Science, featured-post-side, Lynda Powell, School of Arts and Sciences,
Campus Life
November 4, 2016 | 09:44 am

American Elections class zeroes in on Clinton, Trump matchup

As a freshman, Skylar Cerbone ’20 normally wouldn’t take Lynda Powell’s intermediate course, American Elections, this fall. But Cerbone didn’t want to wait. “It’s a presidential election year,” the political science major says. “I had to take this class now. It’s too important not to.”

topics: Department of Political Science, elections, Lynda Powell, politics, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
August 22, 2014 | 08:59 pm

Political science researchers earn top awards

Lynda Powell, Gerald Gamm, G. Bingham Powell, Jr., and Hein Goemans will be recognized for their award-winning research during the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in August.

topics: awards, Department of Political Science, G. Bingham Powell, Gerald Gamm, Hein Goemans, Lynda Powell, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
July 17, 2013 | 04:36 pm

Lynda Powell Wins Fenno Prize

The Fenno Prize is awarded annually for the best book in legislative studies, in this case, Lynda Powell’ls The Influence of Campaign Contributions in State Legislatures

topics: campaign finance, elections, Fenno Prize, legislate, legislative studies, Lynda Powell,