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Posts Tagged Rochester Women

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Society & Culture
February 28, 2020 | 02:44 am

‘The memories of what happened to us then will never go away’

By the time of her death at age 103, Olivia Hooker ’62 (PhD) was an early witness to devastating acts of racist violence, the first African-American woman to serve in the Coast Guard, and a prominent psychology professor.

topics: Black History Month, featured-post-side, obituaries, Rochester Review, Rochester Women,
Society & Culture
March 25, 2019 | 10:46 am

‘Your sexuality is yourself, as the total person you are’

The latest Rochester Women profile looks at the life of Mary Calderone ’39M (MD), a pioneering advocate for sex education who was both celebrated and vilified for her work during a time a great cultural division over sexuality and feminism.

topics: alumni, diversity, featured-post, Rochester Women, School of Medicine,
Science & Technology
March 8, 2019 | 03:07 pm

‘A very different status and kind of career’

The Rochester Women series continues with the story of Sylvy Kornberg ’38, ’40M (MS), a biochemist most often cited as the wife and the mother of Nobel Prize-winning scientists, but who played a critical role in the discovery of DNA replication.

topics: featured-post-side, Rochester Women,