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The RocHD3: Rochester Healthcare Deep Data Dive on November 12 is neither a hackathon nor a conference. The informal gathering of health care data enthusiasts is an “unconference” where attendees set the agenda and determine discussion topics at the beginning of the event.

RocHD3 is purposefully devoid of rules — except one. “The Rule of Mobility” gives attendees the freedom to move between discussion sessions freely. If the session on health care network development is not grabbing you, move on over to the mobile data technology session. Want to sit in on concurrent sessions about predictive analytics and sensor data analytics? Feel free to bounce between them.

“This event is really about getting data scientists, health care professionals, and students together and stirring the pot,” says event organizer Robert White, program manager for the Rochester Center for Health Informatics.

The day-long event affords ample time for health care practitioners, nurses, technicians, data experts, health policy makers, tech developers, innovators, industry professionals, and students to network and share ideas. The hope is to build connections between academic and business partners that may give rise to sustained collaborations.

Despite the event title, attendees won’t be digging into data as much as coming up with new scientific questions and devising ways to use data to answer them. The “deep dive” is about exploring the structure, uses, and issues in health care data analysis in depth. White says it’s also a great way “to get students thinking about how they might apply what they’re learning.”

The event is free for students and professionals — including validated parking, door prizes, and a T-shirt. Registration is required and will close November 4. Register here.

The event is hosted by the Rochester Center for Health Informatics (RCHI), the Goergen Institute for Data Science, and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute.