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University releases results of Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct

(University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

The data shed light on students’ perceptions and experiences, which will inform prevention efforts and resources.

This past spring, the University of Rochester conducted a Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct. Rochester students studying at all levels and across all schools were encouraged to participate in the survey, which assesses the prevalence and nature of students’ experiences with sexual and relationship violence, harassment, and other sexual misconduct, as well as students’ knowledge and opinions of resources and options available to them after experiencing sexual misconduct. The survey results are then used to inform University leadership and officials of the greatest areas of need to direct resources and prevention efforts.

The University’s overall survey response rate was 14.7 percent, with similar percentages of undergraduate and graduate/professional students participating.

The survey assessed:

  • General perceptions of campus and bystander behavior around sexual assault and other misconduct
  • Resources related to sexual assault and other misconduct
  • Nonconsensual sexual contact by physical force or inability to consent or stop what was happening
  • Nonconsensual sexual contact by coercion and without active, ongoing voluntary agreement
  • Total experience with non-consensual sexual contact
  • Frequency and nature of sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and stalking

At the conclusion of the survey, the statistical survey research firm Westat compiled and organized the data and provided it to the University.

Results of the 2021 Campus Climate Survey

The University’s survey results and report from Westat is posted on the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX website.

“Learning about our students’ experience with sexual misconduct on our campus and their understanding of the resources available to them is critical to our work in the Office of Equity and Inclusion,” says Kate Nearpass, Title IX coordinator. “This data helps our office understand what is working with our educational outreach efforts, and allows us to plan additional, targeted programming to better reach our community members.”

What do these results mean for University of Rochester students?

Staff in the Office of Equity and Inclusion and throughout the University are looking at opportunities to further strengthen programs, training, and practices so that they best meet the needs of students. This report helps inform these decisions and lets the programs evolve to ensure staff are reaching students where they are. The University also continues to expand training for students, faculty, and staff on how to recognize and prevent instances of sexual misconduct.

The OEI staff, in conjunction with partners both on campus and in the Rochester community, regularly provide training to faculty, staff, and students regarding how to identify and respond to sexual misconduct as well as information about resources, supportive services, grievance processes, and reporting options.

All new and transfer students at the University are required to participate in training regarding sexual misconduct during their orientation. In addition to requirements for new students, all student leaders and athletes must participate in supplementary training pursuant to obligations under the New York State Education Law and National Collegiate Athletic Association requirements.

The assistant director for educational outreach leads a committee of faculty, students, and staff to assess current training initiatives and develop a strategic plan that will ensure that all students at the University have regular access to training materials on this topic that are relevant and appropriate for their maturity level and tied to their academic interests. Additional information regarding training on these topics is available online.

For specific questions about Rochester’s 2021 Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct, please contact