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In Photos

World view: Photo contest highlights education abroad

This photo White Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand—taken by Alexandra McGraw ’19, won first place in the Physical World category of this year's Education Abroad Photo Contest.

Students who traveled abroad during the 2018–19 academic year were invited to compete in the annual Education Abroad Photo Contest. An International Student Contest also accepted photos of Rochester and other United States locations.

The contests—administered by the Center for Education Abroad, the Office for Global Engagement, and the International Services Office—received 207 submissions from 48 students in eight categories.

Winners were recognized during International Education Week in November.

Grand Prize

person taking notes underwaterName: Jessica Fabrizio-Stover ’20
Major: Biology Science/Ecology
Caption: Participating in ReefWatch, a citizen science program studying the condition of coral in the great barrier reef.
Location of Photo: Outer Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Physical World

white temple in Thailand


Name: Alexandra McGraw ’19
Major: Bioethics
Caption: The White Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand
Location of Photo: Chiang Rai, Thailand

person walking along a path with mountains in the background

Honorable Mention

Name: Diwas Gautam ’20
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Caption: Weekend hike in the Alps during IES Abroad Madrid ’18
Location of Photo: Switzerland

Local Culture

group of people standing with mountains in the background


Name: Anna Remus ’21
Major: Spanish
Caption: Even about 2500 years after its construction, this monumental archaeological site and mountains were still a majestic
backdrop for an opening ceremony of the “100 años de Chavín” International Symposium.
Location of Photo: Plaza Mayor, Chavín de Huántar Temple Complex, Perú


masked monks wearing colorful dresses performing dances

Honorable Mention

Name: Nabila Mella ’20
Major: International Relations
Caption: This is a picture of the Phyang Tsedup festival in Ladakh. In it, masked monks wear colorful dresses and perform prayers and choreographed dances to commemorate the teachings of Buddha. It occurs annually during the summer.
Location of Photo: Phyang, Ladakh

The Student Experience

a professor points to something inside the Roman Colosseum


Name: Andrew Loin ’21
Major: Political Science
Caption: Lecture in the Colosseum. Shown is Professor Renato Perucchio, lecturing inside the Roman Colosseum. Also pictured is Professor Donna Logan-Siniscalco and participants of the Arezzo Program.
Location of Photo: Rome, Italy

backpackers walking along a path in New Zealand

Honorable Mention

Name: Catherine Hauser ’20
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Caption: This photo was taken during my first backpacking trip on one of the ten great hikes of New Zealand.
Location of Photo: New Zealand-South Island

The Global Experience

Bust of Dante with hills of Tuscany in the background


Name: Andrew Loin ’21
Major: Political Science
Caption: Dante’s World. Photo taken outside the Castello dei Conti Guidi di Poppi in Tuscany. Shown behind the bust of Dante, is the rolling hills of Tuscany.
Location of Photo: Poppi, AR, Italy

monkey sits on a woman's head

Honorable Mention

Name: Gersandre Gonsalves-Domond ’20
Major: Health, Behavior, and Society
Caption: At least the monkey isn’t on my back
Location of Photo: Nkoranza, Ghana

Most Epic Selfie

student selfie with elephant


Name: Alexandra McGraw ’19
Major: Bioethics
Caption: Selfie with an elephant! Taken after I bathed and fed him
Location of Photo: Surin Province, Thailand

student selfie with young boy

Honorable Mention

Name: Gersandre Gonsalves-Domond ’20
Major: Health, Behavior, and Society
Caption: none provided
Location of Photo: Kyekyewere, Ghana

Community Vote

buckets of water are dumped on people at festival


Name: Siyi Tang ’21
Major: Digital Media Studies and Business/Marketing
Caption: Omed Medan Festival, Kissing Ritual of Sesetan, Bali 2019
Location of Photo: Indonesia

International Student Contest

Local Rochester Culture

birds taking off from over the Genesee River


Name: Yilin Liu ’22E (DMA), China
Major: Music Performance
Caption: Disturbed by the sunset
Location of Photo: Genesee River, Rochester


Looking up from the bottom of the Chase Building

Honorable Mention

Name: Abdelrahman Nahar ’22, Sudan
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Caption: Chase Building
Location of Photo: Downtown Rochester


University of Rochester Experience

kayakers on the Genesee River


Name: Zijie Wang ’22, China
Major: Economics
Caption: ISM [International Student Mentors] took us to do kayaking on the Genesee River at the beginning of my freshman year
Location of Photo: Genesee River, Rochester


snow flying around two traffic lights

Honorable Mention

Name: Yilin Liu ’22E (DMA), China
Major: Music Performance
Caption: Gibbs in Snowstorm
Location of Photo: Rochester


United States Sightseeing

person standing on the edge of a cliff


Name: Ashan  Galabada Dewage ’22 (PhD), Sri Lanka
Major: Optics
Caption: Climb peaks and look at things!
Location of Photo: Minnewaska State Park, Hudson Valley, New York


fireworks display over water and city skyline

Honorable Mention

Name: Martin Helmrich ’20, Germany
Major: Computer Science
Caption: Fireworks
Location of Photo: New York City