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Message from President Mangelsdorf regarding Daniel Prude

To the University Community:

I join our Deans and Senior Leaders and every member of the University of Rochester community in expressing devastation, anger, and profound grief about what we have learned only today about the death of Daniel Prude. 

Daniel Prude. Say his name.

We speak the words Black Lives Matter, but I recognize those words sound hollow when we see, in graphic detail, the way in which Mr. Prude was restrained by officers of the Rochester Police Department. I recognize how uneasy you must feel to be reminded that Rochester is not immune to the national epidemic of inexcusable Black and Brown deaths. And I recognize how furious you must feel, and how hopeless, to have to say “Not again.”

As a community, as a society, we must redouble our commitment to eradicating the ravages of systemic racism. To lifting each other up, not holding people down. We must take action to improve the lives and the futures of those who have been obstructed, again and again, by racist history and practices. 

In the coming days, we will take stock of our current equity, diversity, and inclusion plans and ask hard questions about whether we are doing enough, whether we are working quickly enough, and whether we are being effective enough. For now, however, we must process our anger and sorrow. Be kind to one another. Be aware of those who are struggling. Reach out if you need help or support. 

CARE Network Resource Center (University-wide for students)

University Counseling Center (University-wide for students)
(585) 275-3113—24 hours a day

University Faith Communities at the Interfaith Chapel (on River Campus for students, faculty and staff)
(585) 275-4321

Chaplaincy Services (at Medical Center for students, faculty and staff)
(585) 275-2222—24 hours a day

URMC Staff Support—YoUR Support (at Medical Center for faculty and staff)
(585) 276-9110

We will weather this together. We must not give up hope. We must work together to turn “Not again” to “Never again.”

Sarah C. Mangelsdorf
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor