Our PhD students are important members of the University of Rochester community and vital contributors to the University and its research and academic mission.
To ensure that Rochester is a place where research, learning, and scholarship thrive, we have been conducting a holistic review of the support available to our full-time PhD students.
We are pleased to announce that this review has resulted in the decision that the University will expand its single-payer health insurance coverage to all full-time PhD students across our institution.
Full-time PhD students are eligible for University supported coverage if they:
- are currently enrolled at the University and are within the first six years of study
- are fully supported by fellowships, grants, or other appointments
- are making satisfactory progress in their academic program
The full-time PhD single-payer student health insurance is administered through University Health Service (UHS). For more information, UHS and the University Office of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs have developed a list of frequently asked questions. If you have health insurance questions that are not included or answered in the FAQ, please contact UHS. If you have eligibility questions that are not included in the FAQ, please contact your department/program graduate coordinator.
As we continue our ongoing analysis of the support available to our PhD students, we are working with the deans of each school in a University-wide review of our stipend structures in our PhD programs. This review has been and will continue to be in recognition of the many ways our full-time PhD students contribute to research and instruction across the University.
We wish you continued success and thank you for all you do to help us learn, discover, heal, and create… and make the world ever better.
Sarah C. Mangelsdorf
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor
David Figlio
Provost and Gordon Fyfe Professor of Economics and Education
Liz Milavec
Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Melissa Sturge-Apple
Vice Provost and University Dean of Graduate Education