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To the University of Rochester Community,

We write, in grief and disbelief, to condemn the terrible, racist violence perpetrated yesterday. This heinous crime happened in Buffalo, but we feel it here. We mourn for everyone whose loved ones were taken away from them because of the hate-filled actions of one person. We mourn for ourselves and our University community, too, because we are all part of a society where tragedies of this type continue to happen.

We must mourn, of course, and support and comfort those who are grieving, angry, or afraid. But we must also respond with greater resolve to eradicate the racism, hatred, and intolerance that create the conditions for this violence, to address the inequities that systemic racism perpetuates, and to take determined steps to build a just, equitable society—for everyone.

The Institutional Office of Equity and Inclusion has convened the EDI Council of Deans and Directors and we will shortly announce campus opportunities to come together to reflect. Meanwhile, if you are in need of support, there are campus resources available to you, including the UHS Counseling Center, our campus faith communities, and the Employee Assistance Program. Please seek help if you need it; you are not alone.


Sarah C. Mangelsdorf
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. Professor

Mercedes Ramírez Fernández 
Richard Feldman Vice President for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer