

As The Center for Education Success continues to do research with East, we will post published articles, books, and conference papers on this page. Some publications will appeal to a research audience, others to a practitioner audience, and some to both. We plan to build a body of research about and related to this unique partnership to share freely and openly with anyone who is interested. Check back periodically to see what new work we have done!

Publications List:

Marsh, V. L., & Nelms, S. (May, 2020). Partners in Fighting Cyberbullying: How a university-school collaboration is reshaping school climate and strengthening relationships. School Administrator.

Marsh, V. L., & Nelms, S. (March, 2020). Student voice: The heart of school transformation at East High. Educational Leadership.

Marsh, V. L. (Winter, 2019). Understanding chronic absenteeism: What research tells us about poor attendance at school. American Educator.

Kinloch, V., Larson, J., Orellanna, M.J., & Lewis, C. (2016). Literacy, equity, and imagination: Researching With/In Communities Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 1-19.

Finnigan, K.S., Myers, L.C., Nelms, S. & McGowan, K. (September, 2015). Confronting Race, Racism and Privilege in Schools. District Administrator.