
Horizons at Warner is on pause and not being offered at this time



Horizons Expands Summer Learning Opportunities to Support Rochester Students in Wake of COVID-19

Horizons at Warner and local partners are collaborating on a shared mission of improving and expanding out-of-school time support for youth in Rochester during the summer months. Learn more about Horizons and the many ways to support the program.

Inspiring. Building. Transforming.

Horizons began at Warner nearly 10 years ago as an enrichment program for Rochester City School District students, grades K-9. It is an affiliate of Horizons National, an award-winning summer learning program. For six weeks during the summer, 150 students participate in engaging academic programs on the University’s River Campus. They also come back to campus periodically throughout the year. As part of Horizons, students benefit from a year-round mentoring and tutoring program, which is offered in partnership with the Rochester Center for Community Leadership, a University of Rochester program.

Horizons at Warner Celebrates 10th Year of Summer Learning for City Students on River Campus

This year, 150 students are participating in engaging academic programs in LeChase Hall and throughout River Campus. The meaningful and authentic learning experiences and skills students gain this summer will carry over into the upcoming school year. They will also return to campus periodically throughout the year for family events, academic enrichment opportunities, mentoring, tutoring and more.