Our Program

Horizons at Warner is on pause and not being offered at this time

Our Program

The key components of our program set us apart from being a camp, school, or summer tutoring program. Horizons at Warner is committed to the development and wellness of the whole child, and that equates to providing each child opportunity to grow.



In order to develop a love of reading and a love of learning, each student must be exposed to role models, materials and activities that ignite passion and perseverance.

Each summer every child is given a pre- and post-program assessment to measure their literacy abilities. Provided that snapshot, our literacy specialist and veteran teachers work together to design individualized literacy goals for each child.

Daily, our students take part in rich and diverse opportunities to experience literacy through collaborative learning. Each classroom designs a balanced approach to literacy that meets the needs of all the students, but also exposes them to new and exciting experiences


Horizons at Warner provides an academic approach to learning based on research. The students are engaged in a learning environment where the entire program is given a broad theme in which to construct learning opportunities.

Science, math, social studies, technology, engineering, humanities, and the arts are taught by veteran educators designing hands-on, inquiry-based learning opportunities for students to participate in throughout the day in a variety of settings.

Through the process of voice and choice students are able to design their own learning path each summer. This allows each student to be highly motivated to achieve their own personal goals and complete their self-designed projects.

Older students helping younger students learn about worms and soil.


Enrichment is defined as improving the quality and value of something. The Horizons at Warner program is committed to enriching the lives of our students.

Beyond providing a quality academic experience in the classroom, we are committed to hosting a variety of extracurricular activities that enhance the educational journey of students.

Twice per week, each child attends a self-chosen theme group where they research and dig deep into an aspect of the theme. Two opposite afternoons during the week are spent in self-chosen workshops where they master a new skill, such as crocheting, chemistry, dance, guitar or oil painting.


Each student grades K-8th participates in Red Cross Certified Swim Lessons for two hours per week.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “More than one in five fatal drowning victims are children younger than 14. And in predominantly minority communities, the youth drowning rate is often 2-3 times higher than the national average.”

Learning how to swim is not only a valuable life skill, but an important activity for building self-confidence and developing trust with their teachers, both of which lend to success in the classroom.


In addition to swimming, Horizons at Warner focuses on encouraging confidence and healthy lifestyle habits in students using a variety of wellness activities.

Each afternoon, all 150 students head out to the lawn in front of the Warner School of Education to pick from 13 different physical activity stations at their leisure.

Horizons at Warner is also committed to mental wellness and nutrition. We have partnered with Foodlink to provide a healthy nutritious lunch and snacks daily. In addition, we have adopted a variety of social-emotional learning practices to incorporate throughout the program. This includes access to the Warner School human development and counseling professionals.

Above & Beyond

We have developed multiple programs that specifically target the needs of individual classrooms and grade levels; our Transition Team that targets 7th and 8th grade students transitioning to high school, our 9th grade TAIT workforce preparation course specifically designed for program graduates, and our Critical Friends Mentoring Program that pairs local mentors with graduates from Horizons at Warner.

It is important Horizons at Warner meet the needs of the demographic we serve. We seek to be innovative in the areas of attendance, family engagement, communication, establishing partnerships, and providing resources to our families.

As a result, new additions have been made to our program that have made a positive impact on our students and families, and include our Mystery Monday initiative and Horizons at Warner BFF Literacy Program.

Two young boys shaking hands and smiling in the hallway.