
Borders Update

As reported in Publishers Weekly,: sales at Borders fell by 10% in the third quarter to $693.4 million, resultiing in a net loss of $172.2 million for the period. And in terms of being for sale? Well, that’s now a thing of the past: Borders also announced that it is no longer for sale. Company CEO George Jones ...

Update on Borders Post

In case you’re interested, a copy of the entire memo from Borders to IPG that I referenced earlier is available on Ed Champion’s blog. There are a few interesting paragraphs not included in the earlier GalleyCat post: We think that the best course for IPG’s client publishers is to accept the option of ...

Here We Go . . .

I really don’t want to spread a sense of “doom and gloom” about the publishing industry, but wow, this bit of info about Borders from GalleyCat is not very encouraging: GalleyCat has received a copy of a “special alert” sent from a major book distributor specializing in independent ...

This Doesn't Bode Well

From PW Daily: The anticipated cuts at Borders were announced this morning with the bookstore chain saying that it has eliminated a total of 274 positions. The majority of the cuts came in its Ann Arbor headquarters where 156 jobs were eliminated, with the company reporting that the cuts occurred in virtually all ...

Borders Redesign

The beta design of the new Borders website is now online and they’re asking for customer feedback to be posted here. The site won’t go live until early next year, and marks Borders re-entry into the online retailing scene. Once upon a time, they managed their own website, but then sold it to Amazon in ...