

AIGA announced the selections from its most recent 50 books/50 covers competition over the summer. Having missed that, though, the recent exhibition highlighting these books at the AIGA National Design Center offers a handy excuse to bring it up here. It’s a well-known competition, but did you know it’s been ...

Our Favorite Cover Design Trend

Cover designs without titles. The Book Design Review brings note to this cover. Unfortunately, the book itself is not notable, but we’re a fan of this movement (seemingly, an all-in wet dream by the designer and a gutsy marketing move, to boot) that one can imagine must have a dickens of a time making it through the ...

The Faces and How We Typed Them

It’s not comprehensive. It’s debatable. It’s hardly adequate, really. Nevertheless, if you like font pornography, then this well-illustrated article/list of great typefaces should still be pretty masturbatory. It’s difficult to tell if they are supposed to be ordered by rank (I hope not), ...

Seasonal Catalogues : Seasonal Catalogs

Who doesn’t enjoy reading through publisher’s new seasonal catalogues? Well, the Design Observer certainly doesn’t not like it. Read this and be reminded why these catalogues are about literature, design, and marketing. In this case, it also happens to be a bit self-serving, but the sentiment ...